May 2024

Trump just became the Bitcoin candidate, will Biden follow suit?

Trump just became the Bitcoin candidate, will Biden follow suit?

Trump established himself as the pro-Bitcoin candidate last week. Will Team Biden try to play catch-up or cling to a visibly losing "anti-crypto" stance? And will Trump's understanding of BTC ever grow beyond a few talking-points?
9 min read
Will Bitcoin swing the next presidency?

Will Bitcoin swing the next presidency?

Not yet in the US, unless Biden fumbles horribly. But being pro-Bitcon as part of a political platform is not going away, and could absolutely become a pivotal point outside the USA
12 min read
I refuse to "sell you" on Bitcoin

I refuse to "sell you" on Bitcoin

If you're waiting for someone to convince you to buy Bitcoin just walk away. Bitcoin's returns speak for themselves. If you'd like to understand why Bitcoin could keep outperforming prepare to roll up your sleeves. No one can climb the mountain for you.
13 min read
2024.18 - Captured

2024.18 - Captured

TLDR: Has Bitcoin been captured? Avoiding capture is a perpetual game for Bitcoin. The bare minimum is self-custody. but there are other real threats. Are You doing your part?
16 min read