December 2023

2023.50 - Hocus pocus

2023.50 - Hocus pocus

TLDR: It's a disgraceful joke that in our age of supposedly advanced technology, Monetary Policy is still a function of primitive, obscure pronouncements by "wise, powerful elders". Let us drag them kicking and screaming into the 21st Century
12 min read
2023.49 - Edging

2023.49 - Edging

TLDR: It already started, the insanely bullish calls, the unexpected drops, the crystall balls. Everyone will be trying to edge you into buying or selling. Make a plan, stick to it.
12 min read
2023.48 - F*ck you

2023.48 - F*ck you

TLDR: If you're not saving in Bitcoin your hard work is being stolen from you by those who can lower the value of your money. They'll deny it as they pick your pockets dry. It's time to send them a message.
10 min read